Protecting the Salish Sea & the wildlife that call it home.

Welcome to Friends of the Salish Sea! Join us in our mission to leave our local marine waters clean and healthy for generations to come.

-Tim Gohrke, Friends of the Salish Sea President 

Who We Are:

Friends of the Salish Sea

Located in the Pacific Northwest, we’re a non profit organization striving to make a difference for our local marine habitat. Our projects are powered by our enthusiastic volunteers who are passionate about ocean conservation. Originally named Friends of Skagit Beaches, our organization was established in 2008 to develop local financial support for volunteer programs and projects in Skagit County aimed at protecting our marine shorelines and nearshore waters through education, citizen science, and stewardship projects.

Upcoming Lecture: Hazards of Cascade Volcanoes with Cynthia Gardner (Sold Out)

Friends of the Salish Sea is thrilled to welcome volcanology expert Cynthia Gardner as our upcoming guest lecturer! This event is now full, but we encourage you to mark your calenders for February 1st, as our reservation form for our Giant Pacific Octopus lecture will open on this day. Please check back on February 1st and click the green button below to reserve your seats.

Protecting Bio-Diversity:

Did you know that the Salish Sea is one of the world’s most biologically diverse inland seas? Our beloved Salish Sea is home to an estimated 37 species of mammals, 172 species of birds, 253 species of fish, and more than 3,000 species of invertebrates. Our projects and initiatives strive to protect this beautiful biodiversity that gives the Salish Sea its unique beauty, strength, and power. 

By Volunteers, For Volunteers.

Friends is run by a volunteer Board of Directors without any employed staff. Our nonprofit is funded primarily through memberships, donations and grants.  We are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation with the State of Washington. Our members include active volunteers who support our work through their annual membership fees and donations.  We are your neighbors and share your love of the beautiful natural resources of Salish Sea marine ecosystems. Click below to become a member today! 

The Stormwater Monitoring Project:

Most people live around the Salish Sea because of the remarkable beauty, the abundant wildlife and rich marine life. However, with people comes pollution. Chemicals and heavy metals fall from our vehicles. Industrial facilities drain their wastewater into storm drains and waste water treatment plants. Fertilizer from our lawns and farmland drain off into storm drains. This chemical cocktail eventually pours into the Salish Sea. That’s why our team of volunteer monitor stormwater outfalls for pollution that might harm our local marine wildlife! 

Plastics Recycling Education:

In partnership with Skagit County Solid Waste Division and the Skagit Marine Resource Committee’s Salish Sea Stewards we’ve undertaken a new project to provide education and outreach to residents of Skagit County to reduce single use plastics that find their way into our waterways and become marine debris, a major issue threatening our bays and oceans. We appreciate grants provided by the Washington Dept. of Ecology, Northwest Straits Foundation, and Anacortes Soroptimists. 

Trail Tales Discovery Points:

Trail Tales offers educational and recreational activities in a setting that offers rich history and dramatic natural beauty along the shores or Fidalgo and Padilla Bays. The project strives to increase public understanding of the importance of the valuable natural resources these bays and shorelines provide, and foster a sense of public stewardship through programs that connect participants to the history, culture, and ecology of the beautiful shorelines and bays situated in Skagit County.

Join Us

If you’re interested in preserving our beautiful region for generations to come, help make a difference by volunteering or donating today.