Stormwater News

Marine Scientist Monitors Stormwater in Scotland

“Loch Leven in Glencoe is one of the most stunning destinations in the Scottish Highlands.When a marine scientist named Saz Reed saw a video on social media of sewage spilling into one of her village’s waterways, she knew she had to take action.” 

Dr. Chelsea Mitchell & Green Infrastructure

“How can we help mitigate stormwater pollution and create cleaner waterways in our communities? Dr. Chelsea Mitchell, a Senior Ecotoxicologist of King County, says that the answer lies in  green stormwater infrastructure.”

Patrick Johnson: Edmonds Stormwater Engineer

“As the one and only stormwater technician within Edmonds’ engineering department, Pat certainly has his hands full. Luckily, the volunteers from the Salish Sea Stormwater Monitoring Project have been able to lend a hand.”

The Link Between Car Tires & Salmon Deaths

“For over twenty years, environmental scientists battled a baffling mystery in the Pacific Northwest. Salmon who returned to urban streams and rivers in the Puget Sound were dying before they could lay their eggs.”

Aaron Esterholt: Anacortes Stormwater Inspector

 “It doesn’t matter where you are on the political spectrum. If you live here, it’s… because you enjoy the outdoors, you enjoy the water, you enjoy fishing. Everyone plays a role in protecting our environment and preserving the nature we all enjoy.”

Diane Hennebert: Anacortes Stormwater Manager

“You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone else who loves their job quite as much as Diane does. Her enthusiastic personality and passion for the subject shines as she exclaims, ‘I just really love talking about stormwater!'”